Tuesday 20 August 2013

QJ First Emerging Tooth !!

Hi all,

Task of a new mother is fun, exciting, tough, challenging, and there're always mixed type of feelings. At about 4 months he can hold his own milk bottle and not long ago he’s started moving backwards, turn and roll and later about 6 months he begins babbling with "ba-ba", "da-da" and “nen-nen”. I wonder how he learn “nen-nen” (milk in mandarin) and it really breaks us into laughter when he kept babbling (he is just too cute!!). After spotting a small white bump on his gums when he is about 3+ months old with the chewing and drooling all over the place, I am sure he was going to get a tooth any time soon but it wasn’t. Finally yesterday when I'm cleaning his mouth after he had his milk avocado banana puree, I spotted tiny bumps emerged through his gums. All my questions were answered as he couldn't sleep well this few nights and fussy during the day. Seeing all this progress day by day really makes me smile and worth for all the hardship during pregnancy, complications delivery, stressful confinement and sleepless night. I am waiting eagerly for him to crawl forward, learning to call mummy and daddy, standing up and etc.

Till then...
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